
Album Review: Inquisition – Obscure Verses For The Multiverse

The latest offering from the black-metal masters is as imposing as everything else by them

InquisitionExactly like Motorhead and Mortician, Inquisition is a band that never really changes, and that’s how it should be, as most of their fans will tell you. I’m a fan, too. But, you see, I grow weary of listening to the same album every time. Motorhead everybody loves, and everyone has a Motorhead album that they can listen to from start to end and enjoy thoroughly. Mine is 1916. With Mortician, I don’t have a favourite release as such, but there are quite a few songs I appreciate, and their discography (on those very rare occasions that I have Mortician cravings) is on shuffle whenever it is, and that feels right.

inquisition live bandWith their previous three albums – all very good – Inquisition seemed to be aiming at delivering that one huge album, and that release was Ominous Doctrines Of The Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm (read my review of that masterpiece here), on which Lord Dagon perfected his songwriting technique, and grouped with the blasting that came from Incubus and that dense overall sound, made for a crushing release that was sonically devastating from its first moment and instantly made you raise the horns and move your head in a circular motion.

Inquisition-Obscure-Verses-for-the-multiverseObscure Verses For The Multiverse, the 2013 album from Inquisition, offers more of the same – or as George ‘Corpsegrinder’ Fisher would say about an upcoming Cannibal Corpse album: “Same, same… but different.” At first listen I was blown away, on second listen I compare it to its antecedent and think that this one isn’t that great, but that’s how I usually feel about Inquisition albums, only to be proved wrong later. Third listen onwards I hear Obscure Verses For The Multiverse as what it is: the latest Inquisition album  – and how does one compare albums of a band that never really changes? I’d like to say the songs on Obscure Verses For The Multiverse aren’t as easily catchy as a lot of other Inquisition tracks, but I also can’t stop listening to this album midway, and the more attention I pay the clearer it becomes that it’s yet another magical release from the world where darkness is lord and death the beginning. It’s as imposing as everything else by them.

inquisition bandObscure Verses For The Multiverse is packed with thrashy riffs and masterful drumming shrouded in that opaque sound. There’s a song from Nefarious Dismal Orations (read Dipankar ‘Demonos’ Roy’s review of that album here). Yeah, it’s more of the same, and it’s “same, same, but different,” and since we’re talking about a great band we love for never really changing, I don’t think we’ll hear any complaints.


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