Posts Tagged ‘youtube


China Camp’s Triple Schezwan Noodles & Veg Manchurian Gravy are Excellent| Cooking & Eating Indo-Chinese Food in Charkop


Aditya Mehta is a businessman, writer, musician and vedic astrologer who also studies palmistry and numerology. He enjoys traveling, eating, and writing and making videos about his travels and food. He is also extremely fond of watching films, and reviews movies, music and books. He can be contacted on WhatsApp at +91-8767907714.


Movie Review: Jon Favreau’s Chef

CHEF_MOVIE_POSTERAs a young boy I wanted to learn how to cook the vegetarian meals my mother made. As I grew older I tried and loved and began to relish meat outside home, at cheap eateries and in swanky restaurants. As other interests like music and writing took over, the enthusiasm to learn the art of cooking dimmed, and now I don’t give a fuck about cooking and only want to be fed. I want to sit at the table, or on the floor, with a fork and a knife and a spoon, or ready to attack with my bare hands. I certainly mind standing, because that’s no way to eat. That’s how you eat at weddings and receptions and other occasions where you can’t stuff your face with the buffet spread, no matter how delicious the food, and even if no one’s watching.

Chef, besides being a sweet little film, is absolute food porn. The movie can make a fully stuffed anorexic struggling model want to dig into a steak.

oliver platt chefOliver Platt will remain etched in my memory as Ramsey Michel, the city’s top food blogger, who pans chef Carl Casper’s skills. Ramsey Michel was thrilling to watch because he reminded me of myself: a person who loves to eat and is hard to please. Casper, played by Jon Favreau (who has also written and directed this movie), doesn’t take kindly to the restaurant critic’s scathing review. Hurt at being called needy and uncreative, and unfamiliar with how social-networking sites work, the chef unintentionally starts a flame war with his freshly found foe on Twitter.

It’s a change to see an ex-wife who isn’t a bitch, and it’s even better that this nice woman is Sofia Vergara. With her accent and in all her hotness, she convinces the chef to get a food truck. Having lost his job at the restaurant, and having become the latest viral laughing stock on YouTube, Casper goes on a road trip in the food truck with his 10-year-old son Percy, and his friend Martin (Jon Leguizamo, delightful). The father-son relationship is your typical one, and so, a bit of a bore, even if it’s about them bonding over running a mobile eatery.

chefBut thankfully, Chef is about a man out to prove a point to himself, and about food. It’s about a man’s passion for cooking, a chef who’s lost in the moment when he’s at it, and at his creative best when no one’s telling him how to do it. What I’m taking from Chef is the scene of a father telling his son that the boy can have just one sip of the beer he’s been handed, and every scene that has Oliver Platt / Ramsay Michel. Jon Favreau’s Chef will make a lot of you want to start cooking, or become better at it, or do more of it. It makes me want to watch more movies, eat more food and watch more movies about food.


SOFIA VERGARA on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon


Exhumation Video: Orphanage Carnage (Live at Deathfest 5)


Exhumation Video: Black Plague (Live at Deathfest)


Music Review: Grounded In Space

That all of the many instruments used on Advaita’s debut album are clearly audible throughout is the first thing that is affirmed from a listen. Such a rarity, a far cry from ‘music’ which has instruments (and musicians!) fighting for space. Perhaps, the album title is in some way related to how the musicians in Advaita perceive each other as individuals and a band as a whole, an understanding which has built a strong relationship between their respective instruments.
With eight members, it’d be an exercise getting into names. Another one and they could’ve been a clownish nu metal band. Another three and they could play cricket and get attacked in Pakistan. The guys are between the ages of 21 and 28. Two vocalists, one is a ‘lead vocalist’ and the other is a ‘Hindustani vocalist’. Guitars, keyboards, drums, percussion, sarangi, tabla, bass and electronic soundscapes, along with the singing, create a mesmerising atmosphere.
The ‘lead vocals’ (heh) and the ‘Hindustani vocals’ (double heh) do not put the band in a spot, till the fabulous Gates Of Dawn comes along. This is when the ‘Hindustani vocalist’ pulls a Shankar Mahadevan, which is so not required here, and he is probably not trying to create that effect intentionally. But the way the music is placed and paced behind and around these vocals (and on the entire album) more than makes up for little grievances to which one might choose to not give too much importance.
There is no doubt Advaita is packed with skilled musicians, but the crystal-clear production and experimental nature of the music overshadow any importance one might give to their lyrics, which are good in places (Mere Yaar, for example) and highly confused elsewhere (Gates Of Dawn, a sorry muddle of pity and self-pity).
Grounded in Space is a perfect blend of several unique instruments done in a rather interesting way. It’ll be even more interesting to see if Advaita can top this.
(From my Buzz18 reviews)

Member of The Internet Defense League

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