Posts Tagged ‘vegan food in mumbai


First Time Eating Kerala Masala Dosa & Curry | South Indian Food Review| Aditya Mehta Kya Kehta | Hum Bhi Khayenge


Aditya Mehta is a businessman, writer, musician and vedic astrologer who also studies palmistry and numerology. He enjoys traveling, eating, and writing and making videos about his travels and food. He is also extremely fond of watching films, and reviews movies, music and books. He can be contacted on WhatsApp at +91-8767907714.


Mysore Masala Dosa at Cafe Mysore — Charkop’s Most Delightful Restaurant


2021 Charkop’s Best Chaat | चारकोप में सबसे अच्छी चाट | Mumbai Street Food | Eating Vegan in India


2021 Charkop’s Tastiest Samosa


Thatte Idli and Medu Vada with Rasam at South Tiffin House


Bedekar Tasty Foods: The Worst Food I Ate in a Restaurant in 2016

Excited to see an eatery of the brand that is synonymous with pickles, I decided to breakfast at Bedekar’s on a Sunday. It’s a good thing I asked how the food is prepared or I might have never learned that it is far from fresh! The poha (which I had gone there for) and their upma (also something I wanted to try) and everything else is packaged and frozen, including the greasy stuff that they defreeze and deep fry in hell knows which oil. Even the khichdi is kept frozen for months and is in no way nutritional or even tasty. Perhaps the Bedekars believe that the crap they’re selling as healthy foods can be preserved like their famous pickles. Not wanting it to be a complete waste of my time, I took a selfie at Bedekar Tasty Foods before walking out, never to return again. RATING: 0/5

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Vegan Pizzas in Mumbai

Vegan Food Review: The Calcutta Club

Vegan Recipe: Tameta Nu Shaak

Vegan Food Review: Every Non-Vegan Restaurant

Vegan Food Review: Mee Marathi


Solar Deity to perform at Ahimsa Fest 2016 – Mumbai’s First Vegan Festival


My band Solar Deity will be performing on Sunday, November 20th at Ahimsa Fest 2016 in Vile Parle West. Come for the tasty cruelty-free food, the cooking demos, movie screenings and of course an hour of Black Metal. Free entry! The event is from 10 am to 10 pm and Solar Deity will perform the unholy ritual from 1 pm to 2 pm.



Vegan Food Review: The Calcutta Club

NEVER HAVING EATEN BENGALI FOOD anywhere except The Calcutta Club, one has nothing to compare this quaint little restaurant in Oshiwara with, but what one can tell you is that Bengali cuisine is now one of the few one can seek comfort in without having to think. There aren’t many restaurants in Andheri that offer a soothing dining (or lunching) experience, and you know when you walk into the small place that you immediately want to be seated; the framed black-and-white pictures of old Calcutta are there to make Bengalis homesick, but they also charm you, the non-Bengali person, and as you wonder what it must be like to have been there, lived there, known that world, your eyes fall on Satyajit Ray smoking a pipe while playing a piano and on a poster of one of his movies starring Uttam Kumar and on a still from an Utpal Dutt film and suddenly it is no longer just about the food.

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BUT IT IS THE FOOD for which you go back to The Calcutta Club, either to try a spicy gravy with the laccha paratha because you decided last time that next time you’d steer clear of mustard-based curries, or to eat the shukto (the delightful mixed vegetable curry) with a luchi (puri in Hindi and Gujarati) or four, or to wash down the vegetarian starters with countless glasses of aam poro shorbot (aam panna in Hindi, baflo in Gujarati) or to avoid the overrated alu posto (cooked with poppy seeds, they say, but it’s puri bhaji and that’s all it is). Yeah, most of the vegetarian dishes are vegan, and the loochees (poorees) are fried in oil and Bengalis use a lot of mustard, so you can have a cruelty-free heart attack at the age of 40. Everything about The Calcutta Club feels authentic, and one is amazed to sense it without knowing anything about the food or the culture beyond that much space, and the restaurant is adored by Bengalis who are amused at how much you appreciate it and by other non-Bengalis who never seem to mind going back to “that nice Bengali place.”

RATING: 3.5/5

Vegan Food Review: Every Non-Vegan Restaurant

WARNING: The whisky you’re drinking at Kabeela Bar & Kitchen may not be the one you ordered

Vegan Food Review: Mee Marathi | Vegan Food Review: Aakash Meals and Tiffin Service


Vegan Food Review: Every Non-Vegan Restaurant

beerIT  ISN’T UNTIL YOU GO VEGAN that you realize how dependent on nonhuman animals we humans are. How much we take from them – everything; how we exploit them – in every way; and how we don’t even think about how many lives are taken because we can’t (or don’t want to) look beyond meat, eggs and dairy – as if those are the ‘food’ items that we really want to taste and “can’t live without”.

It so happens that the first not-so-cheap restaurant you visit after going vegan is one you’ve been to quite a few times before, but as an unawakened non-vegan who wasn’t concerned at all what went into your food, as long as it was tasty, not too unhealthy; you considered yourself not a herbivore, not an omnivore, not a carnivore, but a vore – an eater. An eater of all… an eater of everything.

shit burgerAnd now you’re looking at the menu, and you’re halfway through the pitcher of beer but you still haven’t been able to decide on what you’d like to eat. There’s absolutely nothing for you. So you order a vegetarian burger and you ask them to veganize it: cheese nahi chahiye, paneer nahi chahiye, butter nahi chahiye… The burger that comes is a shit patty between two buns. You can’t have it with the mayonnaise because it isn’t fucking vegan. The pitcher of beer is now over.

shit bruschettaLet’s have the bruschetta, you say. Veganized. “Cheese nahi chahiye.” It arrives stillborn. It’s a fucking flop, and you’re disappointed but not surprised. See, there’s nothing to do in a situation like this, so you call for another pitcher and wonder if you should have whisky as the main course. But you’re with friends – vegetarians – who are foregoing cheese and other dairy items because you’re with them. How sweet of them.

Let’s call for pasta, someone says. shit pastaThey veganize it for you. “Inn ko cheese nahi pasand,” or “Inn ko dairy se allergy hai,” they tell the waiter, who isn’t surprised anymore. But the pudfucker returns grinning with parmesan on the fucking pasta as if he’s done you a huge fucking favour.

This happens every time. There’s a Mexican restaurant, and there’s one that serves finger-licking good north Indian food, and there’s a place famous for its Gujarati thali. The restaurant changes, the food changes, but the story remains the same.

BEFORE YOU GO VEGAN you’re filled with anxiety: how will you not have ghee on the roti and in your rice, how will you live without butter in a lot of things, what about dahi, buttermilk, paneer, lassi, and honey (which you never really cared much about) – all those things that always seemed harmless. The worry is mainly about the diet, because you’ll give those leather shoes away, you won’t buy leather belts again, you’ll throw the wallet away, who wears silk anyway… but how are you not going to eat a fucking pizza? What about your morning chai? Ice cream? Fuck.

placeAnd we haven’t even started talking about not eating animals, but “meat, fish and poultry” were forbidden for some of us, and that’s what makes it even worse. You thought you were an ethical vegetarian, but it hits you like a ton of bricks that there’s nothing ethical about vegetarianism; you cease to be an ‘ethical’ vegetarian when you become aware of what happens to the animals we don’t love as pets, the ones we don’t think of as ‘cute.’ This is when you see the light and awaken.

That’s when your anxiety and sense of loss turn into disgust and hatred for mankind. That’s when you stop thinking of veganism as giving up things you’ve always loved and couldn’t imagine living without, and start seeing it as boycotting animal products completely. That’s when you make a promise to yourself that you will never again pay another human to cause pain and suffering to any being that wants nothing to do with you. That’s when you go from being the person posing with the leg of an animal to one who tells others “What the fuck are you doing?” That’s when you know that Jainism isn’t a cruelty-free lifestyle, and that being a vegetarian isn’t enough. Egg whites are used to give your naan and others breads their firmness; your potato fries have natural beef flavouring. Breads aren’t Jain, fries aren’t vegetarian.

But if the nicest, kindest and most amazing of us refuse to end this cycle and continue to participate in unnecessary violence against animals for the sake of our own pleasure or convenience, you certainly can’t expect an establishment that exists solely to make profit to know how to cook food that doesn’t involve the exploitation of animals or was made without making someone who never knew what it’s like to be happy and free cry and suffer and die helplessly.



Mouthwatering Accidentally Vegan Food at Mee Marathi in Parle East

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UNTIL LAST YEAR I used to frequent Purepur Kolhapur for spicy Kolhapuri cuisine, but since they have nothing I’ll eat now, I visit a vegetarian restaurant in the same lane for authentic Maharashtrian fare. There’s no way I’m going to write about the nearly 30 (yeah, thirty) accidentally vegan dishes Mee Marathi serves, because I’m fucking lazy and also because I’m yet to try all of them, but I can tell you that the food is clean, nutritious and tasty as hell. Hell, you’ll even get zunka bhakar – the dish the Shiv Sena falsely promised to fill every Mumbaikar’s Bombayite’s stomach with – and it is quite filling, I must say, even though I end up stuffing myself with other stuff all the time. TIP: Don’t order any thali, for it’s sure to have several dairy-based items, and don’t eat pav – it’s not vegan. If you’re in Vile Parle East and looking for reasonably priced vegan food, go to Mee Marathi.


Shop No. 5, Alpha Apartment, Shri Paleshwar Road, Vile Parle East, Mumbai Phone: 02226134636

WARNING: The whisky you’re drinking at Kabeela Bar & Kitchen may not be the one you ordered

Vegan Food in Andheri West: Aadarsh Meals & Tiffin Service

Member of The Internet Defense League

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