Posts Tagged ‘cigarettes


Goa leads the way, bans all tobacco products

Even as Maharashtra struggles to enforce its ban on the sale of gutkha, the government of Goa has ordered a complete ban on the sale of tobacco products. This heavy move is sure to be a lot more effective that Maharashtra’s weak decision that does nothing to stop to sale of cigarettes, which are obviously as or even more harmful than gutkha. The use or sale of tobacco in any form is now illegal in Goa. May the meek government of Maharashtra and all the other states learn from this brave move from a tiny state famous as one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world.


Silly Government Bans Gutka

Smoking Ban Goes Up In Smoke


Mumbai Stubs Out Smoking Ban

The ban on smoking in public places which came into effect on October 2, 2008, seems to have gone up in smoke. While there are a few places which paid no heed to the ban in the first place, cockroach bars everywhere have loosened the rules, allowing patrons to light up in the non-a/c sections. A restobar at Powai, Fuel does not have a separate smoking section, and is packed with smokers who can’t do without cigarettes with their drinks. Asiad Bar has not been observing the ban on smoking right from the start, has no problem with people smoking in the a/c section, and that’s the main reason why smokers flock to the bar at Irla, Andheri West. Nobody is getting pulled up for people lighting up in bars despite signs threatening to impose a fine of Rs 200 on anybody caught smoking. Not sure about other cities, but in Mumbai, one can see people lighting up in almost every public place except multiplexes and high-end restaurants, some of which have smoking sections. On a lighter (pun unintended) note, I recently saw a ‘no smoking here’ sign stained with betel juice. Have a cigar, BMC.


Alcoholics Unanimous / Toys @ 27

Photographs by Poonamshree Kumar


A wise, old man with white, flowing beard and a pipe for smoking tobacco once told me upon hearing of my habits, “Zindagi ki har cheez mein nasha hai.” (Everything in life has the power to intoxicate you)


The Health Benefits Of Smoking

camelAs all cigarette smokers in India know by now, Classic Milds is the new Wills Navy Cut. It’s trendy and easily available, and a combination like that obviously only inflates its popularity. I smoke Camel or Benson & Hedges or 555. Did you know hospitals that treat smokers with cancer turn Wills Navy Cut smokers away? Don’t know if it’s true, but what I’ve heard many times over is that the cancer you get from Wills Navy Cut is incurable. I’m writing this because I overheard someone saying this about Classic Milds yesterday. Apparently, this hopelessly incurable cancer comes from Wills’ tobacco. If I’m half as smart as I like to think I am, I’ll just forget about cancer sticks, yeah? But hey, fellow smokers…if we’re going to keep inviting cancer, let’s give it a red carpet welcome, shall we?

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