
Simon Santiago: ‘They’ll find another ass to lick when the shit runs out’

There was no annual interview on MKK last year because there wasn’t anybody in the underground music scene worth talking to, but among the hordes of flatterers, the gathering of cowards and the flocks of sheep, one man stands tall and plays by his own rules. Organizing show after show in Bangalore with little or no support, Dhiraj Simon Santiago brings outstation metal bands to the city and great live music to its metalheads. Here’s Simon speaking out on Mehta Kya Kehta! 

Two things became obvious during my last visit to Bangalore: the weather is always great and, contrary to how it may seem to those who are not in bands or organizing teams, your city’s underground scene isn’t united at all. Clearly there is a divide…

me(1) Simon: The weather is always almost awesome here. The Bangalore Underground scene has been around since the ’80s and started being serious in the late ’90s. I’ve been part of the scene as an organizer for over a year now, and as an audience for almost 4 years. Compared to most people that’s hardly anything. The reason why I started organizing shows is because of the fact that 2012 had 3 gigs. All played by the same bands. When there is a new kid on the block, there is hostility, and I’ve experienced it here. People bitch about people, and then make up and gang up. Like an episode of The Bold and the Beautiful. Opinions are seen as disregard, Facebook wall posts are seen as a fucking challenge. It’s a pathetic state of affairs. And now there are factions too. LOL.

I heard there was pressure on you to postpone the gig. This is something I don’t understand and it sounds very childish.

Simon: Nobody asked me to postpone a gig. Even if that happens, I’m not gonna postpone any gig. It’s a free world, man. Just like when I was told to not do gigs… well, see what happened: I did 6 metal gigs and 2 rock gigs, which involved 40+ bands. I don’t care if I’m premium material or not, all I care about is the stage, where bands come play to an audience.

This is now old news to many of us, but there are people trying to gain control over the whole Bangalore scene. It was shocking at first, and now it’s funny. My questions here are:

a)  Why would anybody want to control Bengaluru’s underground metal scene?

Simon: Firstly, trying to control a damn city and its scene is a funny idea. If I hadn’t found ION Bar and Kitchen as a venue, none of this would have happened. And the funniest part is the feedback received is fucking 0% constructive. Instead, people try and tear the place down on Facebook. That’s how funny it gets. Also the property either becomes awesome or is extremely fucked up depending on the organizer. So if anybody is trying to take over Bangalore, that really can’t happen, man. Not today, not fucking ever.

b) How can bands evict key members because of these wannabe tyrants?

Simon: Bro, honestly, that’s for the band to decide. If a band decides a player ain’t worth the presence, then I guess it’s justified. In the end, if people don’t grow balls, they tend to use others’. I have heard instances/rumours of band members being evicted, but haven’t been a witness. Can’t comment on that.

c) When are bands going to tell these people to fuck off? (Not that Bombay metal bands have a spine, but if anybody tries ordering a Mumbai band around, they will be laughed at in the face.)

me2Simon: Again, that will only happen when bands grow some balls. One of my friends while having a conversation mentioned: “The bands in the scene only write their lyrics based on courage/death/hatred/manly things. But they lack the balls to live it up.” True as fuck if you ask me, except for a few bands. There are instances where one band gets dissed to the extent of their CDs being given away as “bad music”. Next thing, the same people wave the white flag and talk like nothing happened. It’s that pathetic.

I don’t mean to sound like a dick here, but I don’t think there are too many good metal bands around. I can’t think of more than six or seven bands that seem to have an idea of what they’re doing, and I mean six or seven bands from all over India.

Simon: Bro, actually, there are immense number of bands with great talent. One cannot judge a band when they haven’t seen them play. Forget having seen them play, if a band put out a record without playing live, you think it’s going to be great? It’s pathetic the way certain bands, people do it for the money and then say how much they support the “scene”.                                  .

This interview will open a lot of eyes that haven’t seen past the ass-licking that goes on on Facebook all the time. I don’t think even Rocco (the porn star) has performed that much analingus.

Simon: Opening eyes and all I don’t give a fuck about. The ass wipes I don’t care about. I do not claim to be not affected by this bullshit, but I have chosen to ignore it. Hopefully they find another ass to lick when the shit runs out.

Or maybe the ass will go looking for new mouths and tongues. Thanks for your time and these cool answers, Simon!

FREE DOWNLOADS: Solar Deity’s Devil Worship | Solar Deity’s The Darkness Of Being | Solar Deity’s Snowless | Solar Deity’s In The Name Of Satan



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278 Responses to “Simon Santiago: ‘They’ll find another ass to lick when the shit runs out’”

  1. November 4, 2013 at 23:09

    The entire facebook crap is really disappointing to many of us… It’s just a social network who nobody even give a flying fuck about because most of the time it’s full of shit… but it seems like those cocksuckers “the scene” just try to maintain their image in the scene and in the end other ball lickers just bitch about the other cunts (as said: People bitch about people), the entire thing is funny. The scene doesn’t run on social networking… in my opinion facebook is just to let others know that there is a concert coming on a particular date & nothing else.

    Where as bands nowadays… well, they just try and say “keep supporting metal and bla bla” but do they even do that? lol. They’d be negotiating like crazy just to play a show. I’ll give you an example here… you’ve got Script, Devoid, Demonic Resurrection… etc. They charge a good amount of $$ and end the concert with keep supporting metal guys, infact what’s happening here is when the organizers are estimating X amount of people attending the show and if that’s not met, they go into losses and if they’ve planned for another gig well they’d cancel it due to losses and band charge being high.

    So as a summary, the underground scene is crap and is not worth it anymore, it just runs on the persons image & money. It’s not for the passion anymore.


  2. 2 Gaurav
    November 5, 2013 at 03:46

    Vikram Bhat thinks he’s in a South Indian movie and then you have chaps like Nolan Lewis and Srikanth Panaman (people who actually make music) kissing his butt. I wonder what’s wrong with Sandesh Shenoy, who otherwise seems like a cool guy. The Bangalore bands are equally to blame for getting bullied by the lard-ass from Ullas Refreshments. Dying Embrace sucks so much … fucking Bryan Adams is heavier than that shit. I give the middle finger to Bangalore Doom Syndicate!


  3. 3 Nikhil
    November 5, 2013 at 17:36

    Really good interview. The answers although ‘slightly’ might seem diplomatic but the questions more or less make up for it. I really hope this piece makes a difference, people rather than going with flow of praising or licking ‘uncle’s ass for whatever his little his presence is worth in the scene; be it proclaiming himself as the main organizer of all the main gigs in Bangalore, please understand there are other more than capable organizers like Simon who work independently and ‘don’t eat from your plate’, posting pictures of the so called ‘Bangalore Doom Syndicate’ meetings with scotch all around, really doesn’t make a difference to most of us. Its a surprise that you can go on to the extent of granting bands gigs in Bangalore only after they have paid heed to your wishes of evicting very talented members(vocalists) from their bands. Nobody cares how many vinyls you have spun, to each is own, we are here to support the bands we like, who play metal we like and are not just here for the face value. Please, stop the faggotry and all the ‘poseur’ acts. Nobody cares how many cups of woe you have sold, stop fooling kids with your limited edition merch( good designs though). All this being said, I have no disrespect towards other musicians of Dying Embrace except of course, uncle, others are really really talented musicians, or, the other musicians which are a part of the Bangalore Doom Syndicate and come from the best bands in the country(Bevar Sea, Kryptos). This might be the first rant I have ever made and might be the last. Lastly, again, I hope this piece makes a difference. Aditya and others might get much flak for all this, but, people need to see what quality of metal one is putting out there. Solar Deity for one, atleast in my opinion has some of the best Black Metal tones out there and that is more than enough for one to judge.


  4. 14 Rohit
    November 6, 2013 at 19:25

    After Vikram Bhat blocked me on facebook, I feel sad that I don’t get the opportunity to laugh at his ridiculous poses (that can put Brazilian Thrash Metal bands to shame) while he’s holding bottles of expensive booze. But besides that, nothing of value was lost. Nobody cares about photographs of Motorhead and Mercyful Fate vinyls placed on a floral print bedsheet. That’s the kind of shit kids do when they buy their first records.


    • 15 HAHA
      November 6, 2013 at 20:30

      Are you serious he blocked you? Forreal? 😥


      • 16 Rohit
        November 6, 2013 at 20:58

        Unfortunately, yes. I didn’t realize it till one of my friends tagged him in a post and his name was not clickable. It wasn’t a one-off thing since there were few more posts where he was tagged, but his profile wasn’t accessible to me, so confirmed for blocked-due-to-butthurt.


        • 17 Butthurt Bitch
          July 30, 2014 at 15:34

          Chaojiiiiiiiiii!!!! Calm the fuck down. Vikram’s blocked list is a very coveted spot on the internet. Many brave men tried to reach there, but few succeeded.


    • November 7, 2013 at 08:13

      “OMG he block me from facebook, let me cut myself.” Dude, get a life… and why are you bringing in the Brazilian Thrash scene in here? it makes no sense.

      The Grinder XOXO


      • 19 Rohit
        November 7, 2013 at 10:12

        Wow, your reading comprehension sure does suck. The reason I’m bringing the brazilian thrash scene here is because the way Vikram Bhat poses in his photographs reminds me of them. Clear enough for your tiny brain, now? And no, him blocking me from Facebook doesn’t make any difference to me, except that I have one less source of entertainment than usual. Except now, I think your follow-up comments might be as hilarious and ridiculous as him.


        • 20 Nikhil
          November 7, 2013 at 14:48

          You are missing out on a lot! One picture has a miniature sword kept beside the passes(you might have seen it before he took away your ‘lulz’), maybe you can add the cyclopean cockoid and expect the same. Well, of course you can expect the same, his mouth is in the formers ass, probably searching for some left over scotch.


        • 21 Anonymous
          November 7, 2013 at 18:15

          Weren’t you sitting on his shoulders in one photo?


          • 22 Rohit
            November 8, 2013 at 16:34

            I don’t recall ever meeting him or Sandesh, since I’ve only been to Bangalore once (in 2009) and I hadn’t heard of these guys back then (glad I hadn’t).


  5. 23 OfTheWandAndThePoon
    November 6, 2013 at 20:57

    Well, i suppose some of the accusations are legitimate.Did they have something to do with Adarsh’s expulsion from Dhwesha as well?
    As an aside,you fellas ought to check out some Ankit Sinha’s ‘works’ on Heathen Harvest for the pure lulz of it, if nothing else, I’m actually a little disappointment that he doesn’t write more often.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 39 OfTheWandAndThePoon
    November 6, 2013 at 21:22

    Heh,What? i first came across his name while reading reviews of Onward to golgotha on MA,i’m sure he’s a nice chap and all that but seriously people have to stop with the black metal art thing.


  7. 40 Dying Embrace
    November 8, 2013 at 04:29

    2 girls, 1 cup…….. Bangalore Doom Syndicate, 1 cup of woe


  8. 41 Ullas Refreshments
    November 8, 2013 at 04:32

    If Vik uncle’s wife ever suspects him of having an affair, it will be a case of PATI, PATNI AUR (CUP OF) WOE.


  9. November 8, 2013 at 06:55

    It is just a case of insecure boys (who look like fat uncles) you know those loser kids back in school who found solace in metal, and no doubt some of them made some good metal but then they grew older and there were younger boys making better music and these boyish fat uncles were threatened and couldn’t handle the younglings growth and creativity. They are still the same fat losers (like they were in school) once they get home who need mommy/wifey to cook for and mollycoddle them but once they’re out in the real world they can’t help but maintain their illusion of authority, and some of the younglings buy into this delusion because they cannot crane their necks and look above the wall. And they call themselves metalheads. Pfft.


  10. November 8, 2013 at 14:16

    @ OfTheWandAndThePoon

    Adarsh ReDevil (or is it Heathen Anihillator) please dont kid yourself. Its more likely you were fired because you sucked. Ive seen you perform at B52 last year and seen you at Bombay and youre probably the worst bassist and the stupidest person Ive seen.

    @Rohit Nath

    From a causal observer. You had no problem sucking upto the same old people back then. It was not just Vikram Bhat who blocked you on Facebook a lot of people including me did because your trolling wasn’t cute and entertaining after a year. I dont recall Vikram or anybody else bitching about you online or at shows. I saw you making full advtanage of the same old people when it suited you at shows. Did they harm you personally?? You turn your back because he blocked you on facebook?? This is really hillarious.


    • 47 Rohit
      November 8, 2013 at 16:31

      I’m actually Rohit Chaoji. As you can see, Chaoji is not the same as Nath. I don’t know why Vikram blocked me. Probably because I made fun of him and his kvlter-than-thou attitude among my personal friends – not publicly – (which I think is hilarious, considering that the only thing that makes his shitty excuse for a Death/Doom metal band anything close to credible is its age), which he somehow found out about.


      • 48 Rohit
        November 8, 2013 at 16:38

        Correction: Made fun of him, not publicly, but only among my friends.


        • November 8, 2013 at 17:03

          Im not a Vikram Bhat fanboy and I know he can get very cheezy and all that stuffs. But heres the problem and this time Im not making wrong assumptions but going through what you posted yourself becaue I have no idea who you are. What I read is that you made fun of him and he found out about it and blocked you but he did not abuse you or retaliate or something like that. but you somwhow took offense to that?? I found this blog today and was reading some posts and came across one where youre abusing Aditya in the coments for making shitty music and lyircs. So suddenly you also pick his sides because someone blocked you for making fun of him. Good work man but people like yous eem to be making unnecesary politics but youre also complaining about it here.


          • 50 Rohit
            November 8, 2013 at 17:12

            Yeah, actually, I did claim that Solar Deity’s debut had shitty lyrical themes and mediocre musicianship, and I still stand by that, although the band has improved a lot in the latter part considerably (I still think that the lyrical themes are pretty bread-and-butter hurr-durr Satan stuff, which works only for Deicide, in my opinion). I didn’t pick “his side” after Vikram Bhat blocked me. Again, you’re making assumptions without knowing much. Interaction between Aditya and myself has not been limited to this blog, you know. I always despised those old farts from Bangalore that have an attitude worse than anyone in the metal scene that I know of. Vikram Bhat and his crony, Sandesh Shenoy are far worse than just “cheezy”. If you read my above posts, I did not “take offense to that” you ignorant twit. I just feel sad that he took away my “lulz fodder” by blocking me 😦


            • 51 Rohit
              November 8, 2013 at 17:27

              On a second thought, my claims were a lot harsher than “shitty lyrical themes and mediocre musicianship”, but I usually put everything in a harsh manner.


            • November 8, 2013 at 17:47

              What ever you say Rohit you speak as if youre not from Bangalore but youre agitated because of what some old people in Bangalore behave with their attitudes. How does it affect you and also isnt it not hypocrisy if you behave the same way despite not knowing these people in persons and they did not make personal attacks on you?? Let those old fellows do what they do and if you dont like what they do why bother about it?? Whose starting scene politics now?? I dont say everybody should get along and suck dicks but honestly speaking our ” Indian scene ” is so small all this doesnt matter. There should always be criticism but all these personal attacks and taking sides is complete nonsense which is what everybody on facebook reading this article seem to be doing.
              same peoblem with this Simon. I went for two shows which he conducted and I didnt like the venue or the sound, beer etc etc and he also had nazi swastika stamps for entering which I thought was very tasteless and he thought it was cool. the bands were also not very good exceptions were Albattros and Threnody but they didnt play much. But hes not able to take criticising it seems. The interviewer also clearly has an agenda and any fool can make it out from the questions hes asking here. Such a terrible shame all this drama.
              anyways good luck to you and your band if you have one Im done here.


              • 53 HAHA
                November 9, 2013 at 04:56

                Aye boss, have you experienced the politics? I have pages of chat that will change your mind.


              • 55 Bangalore Gloom Indicate
                November 9, 2013 at 08:43

                how is it simon’s fault if you didn’t like the beer at the show?? he organized a metal gig, not fucking oktoberfest.


              • 56 Rohit
                November 9, 2013 at 09:36

                At this point, I am unsure about how I can get my point through your thick skull. Firstly, I’m not “taking sides”. I’m only speaking out against one side, without completely allying myself with the other, although I’m pretty sure the “other” side has the same stance as I do. Secondly, I’m not creating politics. I’m just an observer commenting about how ridiculous the politics are (yes, they ALREADY fucking exist). If you “let those old fellows do what they do”, your so-called “small Indian scene” would become even smaller and die out. Not that I care, but accusing me of starting scene politics, which have existed because of those fat turds in the first place is plain imbecilic. I’ll make an overused (and hyberbolic) analogy here – you don’t need to know Hitler personally to say that his actions were wrong.
                Anyway, about Simon, I think the point here isn’t criticism, but putting him down entirely and trying to keep him from doing gigs. The fact that you thought the bands weren’t that great is a matter of your own subjective taste and has nothing to do with the organiser’s competence or the lack thereof.


    • 57 Morgan Freeman
      November 14, 2013 at 09:08

      Yeah he sucked big time..he was outed from culminant as well..he doesnt know to play bass and acts like a pretentious douchebag..bangalore’s wannabe alex webster..LOL


  11. 58 Toroid
    November 9, 2013 at 05:39

    Ok, this is for everyone to hear, yes you too Vikram and Sandesh, everyone knows you are going through the comment thread more often than fucking your wives, wait, can you?

    So these bastards, have blacklisted all the bands which are signed to Transcending Obscurity! They have personally told the band members or conveyed in some ways that, they won’t get a chance to play at any of the shows they organize. That is, any shows by BDS. Its guys like Simon who have tried their best to organize good gigs. Another thing, dunno if many of you would have noticed but all BDS gigs happen at No Limits pub/lounge whatever, and all the other gigs which are organized by other organizers happen everywhere but not at No Limits! ask why!?!? Because they have tied up with the venue and hence no other organizer gets to book it. This is just the beginning, just the beginning! of the shit that these guys have done, the dirty politics that are being played to monopolize the so called scene.


    • 59 Bangalore Gloom Indicate
      November 9, 2013 at 08:46

      lol they didn’t let djinn & miskatonic sell their CDs at one of their gigs because the album was released on kunal choksi’s label. i used to respect these old bangalore guys but fuck they’re so small.


  12. 60 Camel
    November 9, 2013 at 13:13

    Vikram Bhat of Dying Embrace thinks he’s like Dawood Ibrahim. He actually told someone that. The fat bastard hasn’t stepped out of Bangalore with his shitty old band and thinks he’s running the ‘crime empire of doom’. What a comedian!


  13. 61 daiSimonDisko
    November 9, 2013 at 18:01

    All you guys need to shut the fuck up! Mehta, the attention grabbing whore has done this terrible interview just to make some extra cast by putting up those pathetic ads just like his cheap fucking snow-less satanic band, and DaiSaimonDisko, the new kid on the block, you need to shut the fuck up and do your thing man! Even though the gigs that you organize sucks a lot, if you think that’s right, go ahead and fucking do it instead of teaming up with some ‘dork-desperation boys’ and trying to make some noise! Smoke up some weed. listen to some trance, chill the fuck out and go fuck yourself. You’re just sucking to Koon-al-Chose-ki but then, beware man, you’ll need to find a new ass to suck when the shit runs out!


    • 62 Nikhil
      November 10, 2013 at 03:32

      Ah! Look everyone! someone from the Syndicate is here. What happened man? Vikram sent you here, eh? Scared, that we were just starting to expose the crap you guys have been doing? Do one thing, his new merch is out, go help him sell it. And so you finally accept! that you guys have everything against Kunal Choksi, eh? He is doing a great job by running TOI. Fuck off now, run back to him. Maybe he’l offer you some milk Sandesh secretes in his cup of woe, which will surely runneth over this time.


    • 63 Simon
      December 16, 2013 at 18:58

      Aye yo son of a bitch, get a grip[. i know you were covered in poop when your mom shat you out on a toilet seat, now is the time to clean up and accept facts of life you never would have comprehended. Also, kid, you opinions mean fucking nil to me. You do not have half the balls to comment with your true name, I know you wouldn’t have half the brains to judge whats true. So if you are one of the BDS faggots, go fuck your mom for all that is worth.


  14. 64 MehtaBSKehta
    November 10, 2013 at 04:38

    an obese drug addict who sucks at organizing shows is being given a platform for his jealousy on a gujju satanist’s rant blog. rab de bana di jodi! y’all just buttmad about the tsf line up amiirightt? also the fact that solar deity is a mediocre, sub-par joke of a band and all the attendees and tsf saw right through it, which is what makes d-aditya mehta butthurt as fuck. we all know he’d be lickin uncle and sandesh’s hairy arseholes if they had given him a spot in tsf 4 or even better, boa.

    and then we have keyboard warriors like rohit chaoji, sitting in pune and commenting on bangalore scene politics. stick to your small town shit you little rat. your posts reek of angst.

    solar deity trve bl@ck metchul 4 lyf!


    • 65 Rohit
      November 10, 2013 at 06:40

      That’s coming from someone who seems so obviously mad and/or aching in the butt. It would be better if I were in Bangalore, really, because in that case, I could say everything I said about those people personally. The fact that you’re hiding behind a pseudonym is a clear enough indicator of a lot of things. It would’ve been better if you didn’t act like the lowest kind of keyboard warrior – by keeping your identity a secret – before calling me one. But then again, if you did reveal your identity, it would imply that you have a pair of anything that resembles testicles, which, by this point, is obvious that you don’t.


    • 66 Impiety
      November 10, 2013 at 10:59

      If Simon is really a drug addict, you should bend down and touch his feet for organizing so many gigs despite his problem instead of bending over for Uncle so that you can get photographed eating pooris at Ullas Refreshments. Vikram Bhat is the Chetan Bhagat of the Bangalore metal scene, blocking and deleting those who don’t agree with him. And about TSF 3 – even I was there, so don’t give me that shit about Solar Deity.


    • 67 Booobaala
      November 12, 2013 at 10:01

      “an obese drug addict who sucks at organizing shows is being given a platform for his jealousy on a gujju satanist’s rant blog. rab de bana di jodi!” Gujju Satanist. BWHAHAHAHAHAH!


    • 70 Tripper
      July 26, 2014 at 04:27

      You’re jealous that Simon doesn’t share drugs with dickwads like you. You should respect people who have a good stash and supply. That’s the problem with BDS…drinking too much alcohol that narrows the mind. Do some mind expanding shit and get fried instead of swinging from Vik’s ‘nads like retarded chimps. Alright, I’m done here. Thank you fuckers for listening. Fuck off. Oh, and fuck Witchgoat.


  15. 71 Toroid
    November 10, 2013 at 05:20

    @MehtaBSKehta Aww..*pulls cheeks* When did you start sucking upto people, Nolan? How fucking scared is he? Clearly, you have been buried in their arseholes. Time for another revelation, what say? First a question, dunno if many of you have noticed, but, DE has never ever been called to play at any other festival other than BOA. The fat bastard only plays at shows organized by him. Only along the so called big bands eh?

    So, vikram gives a cd of an Indian Band( grindcore band) to well, lets say one of his mates and with it a cd of an international act too and says what!?
    “I’m giving you this cd for free so you know the difference between international acts and Indian bands”


  16. November 10, 2013 at 10:51

    The entire Bangalore scene is a fascinating microcosm of group hierarchies. Some of these sycophants aren’t exactly duffers….they’re well read, intelligent, eloquent people. I’m just constantly bemused and disgusted in equal parts by how they continue giving a free pass to the loud-mouthed, garish bullshit happening here. I can understand lacking a spine…a lot of ppl shy away from confrontation and that’s ok. But to actively encourage and applaud this clueless nonsense that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the spirit of underground heavy metal, to WILLINGLY participate in it…it just makes me think they’re worthless opportunists not worth the spittle off my tongue.


    • 79 Jehosh Garmi-homo
      July 26, 2014 at 04:36

      Exactly, you have young cunts like Abaddon and Renegade who have shit in their ears, sucking up to Vik and DE. Like it makes them great bands. You miserable assholes know nothing about metal. Give it up and put on a frock. Lund baniyas.


      • 80 Michael Skullreja
        August 2, 2014 at 04:41

        Yes, it’s true. I used the BDS “Pimping ain’t easy/Making you an offer you can’t refuse” as my display pic, and Vik offered my hitherto unknown band a gig! Easy, when you know how! It’s easy to suck up to Vik, make him believe you respect and support him. Then you’ll get free scotch, poori and gigs to play at. This is what is meant by “swinging from Vik’s ‘nads”. It’s fun and all us young pussywinkles enjoy it. Our parents don’t give us much pocket money, but if we side with uncle, we get some free shit. We spent so much on the leather shit we wear, so we deserve something in return. Bloody Tannery Road tailors. Ok, fuck off everybody. Time to swing on Vik’s ‘nads.


        • 81 No-Lund
          August 2, 2014 at 05:00

          You cunts have no idea what shit you are in for. Keep bending over for uncle. He’s just recruiting you so he can buy your souls and enslave you in the kitchens of Ullas. Keep up with your naive belief that Vik is a godfather and all that shit. You fucks have no clue who are the real talents in this city. All getting drawn in by hype and shit. You know what….the only thing that can save shit music and “musicians” like your fat uncle is hype. Soon you fuckers will be running to mummy/daddy to get dettol applied to your wounded assholes. Don’t let Vik’s size fool you. Apparently he’s a fucking beast and can cause untold misery to virgin assholes such as the kinds owned by you boys in Abaddon and Renegade. He strikes while the iron is hot, you see. Goddamn, now I need to eat at Ullas. I’m gonna wear my Dark Desolation tee and order that death metal dosa and stuff. Then I’ll go to the counter and pay my bill personally to your uncle. And I will hand over a Rudra disc and a DE disc and ask him to guess which band sold more albums and is more well-known. I will also pay the driver of one of those sewage trucks to come in the dead of the night and empty his load all over Mahatobar. Then you well-wisher cunts can all help to lick off the sludge and restore Mahatobar to its lost pristine glory. Jehosh Gershom: stop sucking up and acting like an over-excited kid with Down’s Syndrome
          Michael Talreja: stop sucking up and being an ignoramus….fuck all you know about who are the best bands in B’lore


  17. 82 Bhau Thakurdas Jhavale
    November 10, 2013 at 11:12

    ye bangalore ke tapori-log bahot bhai banne jaate hain? mumbai mein kadam toh rakhe……. yahaan ke metalcore band hi inn chutiyon ko uda denge, bhenchod.
    woh motu vikram toh ek number ka lund-bhagat hai, bhai…….aadmi hi fake hai saala……fake aadmi, fake underground attitude, fake metal…….nakli saala bhosadika


  18. 90 Death KId
    November 10, 2013 at 12:20

    Now the uncle has also Bangladesh’s Primitive Invocation by his side and the other poseur from Calcutta called Carnage. I am amazed by how Shekh Mohammed Rezwan and other guys who are well above 35, cater to his wrong doings. Metal should teach you how to respect others and stand up for what is wrong. Maybe Vikram grew up listening to Kannad songs , got bullied and decided to preach on the metal scene.


  19. 93 KL Murthy
    November 11, 2013 at 03:53

    Never expected Srikanth Panaman and Jack (Ganesh) to be a part of this. Shame over Bangalore.


    • 94 kvrdz
      November 11, 2013 at 11:40

      Although i’m not from Bangalore,i dont ever recall vikram bhat giving away free CD’s of a band and disrespecting them in the open.I’ve been to quite a few BDS gigs,Djiin as far as i know never had problems,they even played at one of their gigs.Of course,i’m open to correction, could someone here throw more light on the said incidents.


      • 95 Toroid
        November 11, 2013 at 13:47

        You think they would do these things openly, in public? Ask the people who actually faced the problems. Obviously they can’t speak about it to anyone and everyone. More coming soon….


    • 96 Toroid
      November 11, 2013 at 13:49

      Jack was involved in throwing out Mahesh from Shepherd! and Srikanth just can’t stop bitching about bands, can you, srikanth?


      • 97 Anonymous
        December 3, 2013 at 03:56

        Jack is a silent worker…when he has enough booze in his system his dutch courage comes out. Like when there was a powercut at one of Simon’s gigs and Threinody couldn’t complete their set. Jack was ordering everyone to pack up, like it was his show. Slurring, and stinking of booze, mind you. Srikanth is an arrogant prick who thinks too much of himself.


    • 99 Kade Lampath
      July 26, 2014 at 04:40

      Jack’s a drunken klepto haha
      Panaman’s into eating Bangla pussy haha


    • 100 Lunk Fakir
      July 26, 2014 at 04:48

      Jack sabotaged Simon’s gig at Ion. He stole the diesel from the generater, and put it in his luna. He paid the rats to chew out the electrical cables. Fuckin’ Mickey Mouse got fried in the bargain. That Mickey dude wanted to check out if Albatross and Threinody were any good to add as acts at Disneyworld. RIP, he was the best manager ever. At least he knew shit from cheese, and never even sniffed in DE’s direction. Sandesh, you see, a rat has more sense than you.


  20. 101 kvrdz
    November 11, 2013 at 14:17

    Mahesh,left because he wanted to study music, at least that’s the version i know, what would Ganesh have against Mahesh,they’ve always been so supportive of shepherd.From what i know JP,Vik and the rest of them go way back.


    • 102 ninad
      November 11, 2013 at 15:26

      why dont you ask mahesh then? if he really “left”, he’s the one whose version should be of interest to you. and LOL havent all the bangalore bands been “so supportive” of each other?


    • 103 Toroid
      November 11, 2013 at 15:30

      Errr…no. Have proof that states otherwise and a lot more. Might get published in due time if required. You see, this is the problem; people don’t know or are just ignorant about the politics these rat bastards have been upto.


      • 104 Sensiblity
        November 11, 2013 at 16:46

        toroid, you sound a lot like mahesh. why not create a blog post telling everyone about the situation instead of ambiguously rambling? it’ll make everything clear for the ignorant ones such as myself, so please, go ahead.


        • 105 Toroid
          November 11, 2013 at 18:07

          I’m not Mahesh 🙂 I really wouldn’t mind doing a separate blog post. But, again, how many of you will actually believe what is written? Ok, some proof here and there with the consent of the appropriate people, still, there will always be quite a few not willing to buy it. One more thing, this conversation can go round and round but the main point which you might be missing can be more less highlighted in the questions and of course, in this comment thread. Its about ‘organizing and not attending’ what is being pointed out if you will notice. And well, all that is being said, not only by me but by many others, no one here is lying. You choose to believe it or not. Cheers.


      • 107 bobo
        November 14, 2013 at 10:41

        Others might be Nolan or Srikanth in disguise, but you sir, I think, are Subramanian Swamy.


    • 110 Sweating Bullets
      July 26, 2014 at 04:53

      Bullshit. Mahesh quit cos he needed more time to smoke weed and get high, which these guys were not allowing him to do. He now runs a successful medical marijuana business in Chennai. Jack scores shit from him till today.All is cool, nothing to see here. Fuck off.


  21. 111 Morons
    November 11, 2013 at 15:25

    mahesh raju left shepherd as his personal relations became strained with the band members. it was their decision and their decision alone to kick him out. mortar’s ex-vocalist got kicked out as the band was not happy with his vocals, bt afcourse, uncle is being used as scapegoat jus becoz he said he dont like d vocals xD. bt who cares, we gt deadbolt and mortar both now, so good. everyone knows why dhwesha’s bassist got kicked out, u can consult the band members personally.


    • 112 ninad
      November 11, 2013 at 15:32

      do you know his personal relations with the others in shepherd became strained? its bcoz he saw the bullshit that was flying around and was vocal about it. the other dudes in shepherd didnt want to risk pissing uncle and bangalore doom syndicate any further so they chucked the poor fellow out. thats such a shame because the band was very good.


      the old fart vikram can barely croak after getting wasted and he looks like a calf on the stage


    • 114 Toroid
      November 11, 2013 at 15:40

      Same as what ninad said!


    • 115 Lake of Fire
      July 26, 2014 at 04:59

      The truth? You wanna know the truth??? Same reason Lemmy got kicked out of Hawkwind and Mustaine got booted from Metallica!!!
      Adarsh was an aggressive alcoholic who used to hide Ajay and Somesh’s weed stash. Adarsh emptied the weed into Ajay’s pickups. When he plugged in, the weed erupted into flames, and Ajay got severely high. The guitar didn’t make it though.


  22. 116 Sensiblity
    November 11, 2013 at 16:03

    all you idiots need to stop bickering and let the three obese men solve it between themselves. just attend their gigs regardless of who’s hosting it if you think the bands are good, and let the politics solve by itself. it is the most un-metal thing to get involved in petty politics. simon has hosted good gigs, and vikram has too since 2010. both are important to the scene, so fuck for jehovah’s sake stop blindly believing the bs spewed by idiots like toroid and mehtabskehta and simply attend whatever gigs u like.


  23. 117 Tiyasha
    November 11, 2013 at 20:24

    Can someone please start from the beginning here? I was a regular guy in the gig scene in bangalore till I moved to Delhi and I only know all the ‘obese uncles’ and ‘ass lickers’ as musicians or organisers. I’m not really friends with any of them. Please enlighten me with the dirty stories of the Bangalore Metchul Underground…


  24. November 12, 2013 at 07:36

    Long Read but truth.

    Side A ‘Bangalore’ : 2010 – 2012
    It all started a few years ago. Orator was supposed to perform at Trendslaughter Fest where Dying Embrace made a comeback and had another show in Mumbai with support of Kunal Choksi, apparently some shit happened and Orator just performed in Bangalore resulting huge loss to TSF Crew. TSF II happened and they were charging additional amount for meet and greet with Cauchemar, Abigail which was ridiculous (Correct me if I’m wrong here). TSF III and so on, so forth everything was going fine and smooth.
    Around the same time Politics started wherein Vikram started taking over and showing himself some sort of Lord. Kids started showing respect to him just because of his age. How many of them actually heard Dying Embrace when there were hardly any recordings available and they never performed outside their comfort zone in Bangalore. Facebook gave birth to a new bunch of Poseurs who would say good things and Komrade bullshit to earn trust. Once upon a time they used to bad-mouth about Nolan, Kryptos but now they seem to be cool which is good but who knows if they’re really cool or asslicking?
    With not much of music, came limited edition T-Shirts. One is fine, two is fine, three and so forth. Merchandise before music, ridiculous again. Anyone against their ideologies and activities was termed as threat and was thrown out. Adarsh from Dhwesha, Nilabja from Mortar and Later Mahesh from Shepherd. Simon, a simple disorganized organizer started doing gigs with low budget but all for the good of scene. Now these Old guys started having problems since it would result in less turnout and would affect their business. Simon refused and tension grew up.

    Side B ‘Mumbai’ : 2010 – 2012
    With Kunal Choksi disappearing into Eternity after the TSF shit, he made a comeback in late 2012 by changing his label name from Diabolical Conquest to Transcending Obscurity. His return gave another rise to tensions, Simon becoming a sworn enemy of now called BDS joined hands with Kunal. Enemy’s enemy is friends.

    Side C ‘Bangalore-Mumbai : The Fight’ : 2013
    With BDS, they started acting as leaders of Bangalore metal community. Srikanth who used to have bitching sessions at his place was an appropriate member but Sandesh seems like a good chap, never seen him interfering this much as Vikram does the dirty shit. Kunal went under total madness and started band signing spree for a month. I was tired seeing my facebook wall with Kunals post of a new signing every fucking day. Kunal, do you honestly think you can manage so many bands at a time? Anyways, Mahesh was tired of all this BDS Shit and he wasn’t one of those who’ll remain quiet. He spoke up, was termed as a threat and Vikram threatened Shepherd they won’t get any gigs till he was present. Shepherd ultimately had to bow down to the Mafia and fired him out. Djinn and Miskatonic being on Transcending Obscurity wasn’t allowed to sell their CDs in Bangalore. Grossty CD was given out for free with some International CD to show the difference between Good Grind and Bad Grind. Albatross was told they won’t be getting any shows with them since they joined hands with Kunal Choksi.

    Part Scenes:
    Kolkata once being hub for Modern metal started bursting out with Old School Metal. Good for the scene, but Necrodeity chaps just asslick Dying Embrace too much. Support with Respect and Asslicking has a huge difference. Mortar not being much of asslickers, thanks to Nilabja. But these started tensions amongst both the bands. Vikram claimed Nilabja being the worst vocalist ever got him thrown out of the band and thus threat was removed. Within next few months, Mortar performs at Doom Over Bangalore and became friends with Necrodeity. See how these bands are being taken under control. Mortar now understands the reality and I hope they stay away from this bullshit and get their lineup set.

    1. Dying Embrace isn’t much of a good band but kids gets blinded by the bling of Old School and start treating him god and lord and what not just because they’re an old band. And Instead of doing this dirty shirt it’ll be better if he focuses on music. Good quality shows though.
    2. Kunal instead of signing so many bands if focus on less bands would give out quality, Learn from Sandesh. Do quality shows instead of quantity.
    3. Trendslaughter Fest till date is the best Underground festival in India.
    4. Bands who were affected with all these scene bullshit deserve it. I think they were smart enough to understand but chose the path to asslick. Best example being Shepherd who were a great band with Mahesh can never get back to that level.
    5. Simon and Vikram should keep doing gigs but make sure there’s ample time between the two.

    There was an Old School – New School divide and we were more united. Now we are divided amongst ourselves. Shame on people who encourage this and let it happen. Metal til’ Death. Fuck your politics, Music first.

    Logging out.


    • 119 Kunal Choksi
      November 12, 2013 at 09:49

      Dear God, aka whoever. Please get your facts right. First of all, I had nothing to do with the Orator show that was supposed to happen in Mumbai. I wasn’t even involved with the Indian metal scene back in the day since I was working with Diabolical Conquest and international bands. Why I was dragged into that whole controversy is anyone’s guess.

      I don’t know what happened when I was away but when I got back, people didn’t like it. Yes, I was thwarted for reasons unknown to me and had to face a lot of resistance. I decided to step into the Indian scene after doing free distribution of CDs for almost a year. I signed bands with potential and signed them from all places and of all styles. Signing them doesn’t mean I’m dealing with hundreds of releases. I’ve released only one album and 2014 will have maybe 1-2 more. That’s all. My quality speaks for itself with bands on the Transcending Obscurity/Diabolical Conquest label – all of them have been lauded around the world and Djinn and Miskatonic is now also making a mark.

      I haven’t sworn allegiance to anyone and as always, I’m trying to do my own thing. People want to work with me and that’s fine, and I’ll remain clean in my relations. What people in Bangalore fail to understand that I’m based in Mumbai and I’m doing shows here which few are doing.


      • 120 Sandeep Das
        November 13, 2013 at 02:21

        God is right, Kunal. You can’t possibly manage so many bands at a time. Do you know how tough managing even one band is? If you “manage” even 2 or 3 bands, you won’t have time to do anything else, so how can you say you’re managing all those bands? If getting shows is all you are doing, it would be right to call yourself a booking agent. If you’re handling promotions or distribution, you can call yourself a promoter or distributor. A band manager’s role is very different from what you’re doing, so don’t call yourself one only because it sounds fancy and makes you feel important.

        God is always right, God knows best, don’t argue with God. God bless you.


    • 121 bobo
      November 14, 2013 at 10:46

      Support with Respect and Asslicking is a pretty good name for a grindcore band.


    • 123 undergod
      November 14, 2013 at 11:05

      fuck you god and other scum of the earth (ninad and toroid).

      looks like someone’s paid you enuf dough to eat your own shit. nobody in the calcutta would give a shit about what someone said in the bangalore, especially over a couple of gigs a year.

      i’ve hung out with the dudes in shepherd a couple of times to know that none of them really care about the scene war bullshit. those guys are total fuckin pros and really don’t care about anything else apart from getting the job done.

      if you go by the posts on facebook, mahesh took it out on deepak and crossed the line. i mean distrust and shit is a good reason to not be part of a band. i dont get first of all that y was there a need for mahesh to even organize a gig, as if siniging in a band is not good enuf or if the band is not gigging as much as the others. im sure if he didnt get involved in that shit, everything wud ve been fine, and we wud have an album to look forward to.

      also one good gig doesnt mean shepherd is the best band in town. they dont even have an album you wankerz. ive seen those guys before and what makes them stand out is the kind of music they play. like bsea, they are doing something different, and add to it with impromptu jams and all that nonsense. they definitely are a good live act, primarily because of the music. i dont how vocals in that genere really matter. its minimal as it is anyways. and they re not the same level as and will never be close to soundgarden anyways.

      evilution2 was different, laidback as fuck. i mean mahesh sure has hell bought that hcpunk energy to stage, but to be a real judge of how the band sounds without him youll have to wait till the album comes out, or when they’re thru with the vocal parts. till then stuff yourself and your fucking opinion in a bodybag.

      they ve played gigs with simon and vik, and hopefully they’ll continue to do the same. im sure as hell theyll flip their fingers to both the fatsos if needed.


    • 124 pissed off
      December 16, 2013 at 19:03

      Learn from Sandesh? Dude are you fucking serious?


  25. 127 Sam.Mortar
    November 12, 2013 at 14:30

    I have been hearing about Nilabja’s removal from the band due to Dying Embrace saying so and stuff. But, its utter bullshit. After our EP got released, it was the entire band’s decision to look out for a vocalist and change our sound a bit. It just happened that the Motorhead tribute saw DE’s burst out to Nilabja’s vocals and he left the band. I switched to vocals along with guitars, thats not something which happens overnight, because of some critic sitting some miles away suddenly thinks we are crap.


    • 128 Souls at Zero
      August 2, 2014 at 05:17

      Nilabja sings better than Vik despite being half the fat fuck’s age. He never liked DE, and never sucked up to Vik, and never paid Vik any fake compliments. So many others do that to keep that egomaniac in check. Doesn’t matter what explanarion you offer, Sam. Nilabja refused to bow down to Vik and paid the price by being ejected from Mortar. Sure hope you learned something from this.


  26. 129 kvrdz
    November 12, 2013 at 15:18

    I don’t get the Albatross bit, Srikanth and the rest of the are rather pally with riju and co.And honestly,Grossty are pure garbage once the novelty of the on stage theatrics wears off.Nauseate and Festered wound i really like.
    Also,that prmitiv song sounds so forced and contrived,riju and the other ex workshop buffoon don’t have the smallest clue about Deathmetal.
    I was wondering what JP’s stand is on the whole thing? he isn’t one to shut up and take it lying down.


  27. 130 malodorous ejaculation
    November 12, 2013 at 16:38

    What goes around comes around and karma finally came to bite uncle in the bum. I knew the guys in kryptos threnody and myndsnare in 1997-99 and recall that uncle spent much time hating on all of them for no rhyme or reason. Uncle was butthurt cos he was overlooked for that headbangalore compilation. Uncle wrote letters to metalheads in other cities making fun of the bands and the local scene. So fuckin jealous of progress these guys made thanks to dedication and hard work, uncle nicknamed threnody as three-nerdies because they were a three piece jamming a lot (uncle must get a cookie for that briliant word-play). All of them were labeled posers by our mighty uncle. And now uncle is recording at premiks studio of all studios. People who are of use to uncle automaticaly loose the poser tag. Dear uncle please stop kidding yourself. Get some growling lessons. Stop acting like a kid. Get it through your thick skull: true respect is earned. Those “trve” “kvlt” kids will gow up soon and realise that youve been jerking them off. But I’ll tell you one thing though: I get a malodorous ejaculation everytime I eat those mindblowing pooris at your resturant. And yeah…death to posers!


    • 131 Death KId
      November 12, 2013 at 18:33

      Dont forget that he called Kryptos, Crap-tos. Im really hoping that Nolan, Srikanth and the guys ditch this uncle and make the scene a better place.


      • 132 Shani
        November 12, 2013 at 23:02

        Ditch this uncle? He’s bought their souls with scotch and pooris and gifts. Everybody is aware of this.


        • 133 bangalore dhoom dhamaka
          November 13, 2013 at 05:00

          Its impossible to ditch the uncle. All these guys and many of them are some of Bangalores best metal musicians have put a dog collar round their necks and given the leash to uncle. They have damaged their otherwise good reputaiion by giving uncle a second, third, whatever chance and kissing and making up each time. How weak are you? Metal should have taught you to rise above bullshit, mediocrity, free scotch and poori. When you ditch uncle, he will take it personally and start an attack against you and what you stand for. So to keep him quiet you must suck upto him. I had high regards for most of these guys then I lost that after seeing them eating from uncles table and drinking from the cup of woe. Some advice for all those who regularly bend over for free scotch and poori: stand tall, learn to respect yourself, let your music do the talking. Don’t allow uncle to feed off your popularity and for fucks sake dont be afraid of him. All those original cds, vinyls, tshirts that you proudly show off on Facebook (yes, on floral print bedsheets!) does not make you a more tr00 or br00tal metalhead. Its not the shit you own, its the music you play, your attitude and conviction to do the right thing that will make you stand apart from the herd. There are guys who listen to mp3s and wear pirated tshirts, but they are more true to the real spirit of metal then any of you suckers. Yet they get looked down on by you rich fellows. Don’t turn metal into a pass-time or hobby for rich kids. Its much more than that. The underlying message in most of these comments should be clear: Its time for you fuckers to step up and be real men with real cojones. That is heavy metal.


      • 136 subramaniam swami
        November 27, 2013 at 05:30

        It takes 2 to tango. Nolan is not a saint either. He bitches out everyone when he gets menstrual cramps. He has lost many friends over the years. The people who used to be with him a few years ago now keep a safe distance. They don’t want to be involved in his bullshit. Being highly opinionated and mocking your peers is shit rockstar behavior man…get a life! For once, listen to Ozzy “Don’t fuck with people on the way up, you meet the same poeple on the way down”. Your downward spiral is beginning…the audience is watching.


      • 137 Craptos
        August 2, 2014 at 10:55

        HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Craptos! That’s a good one!


    • 138 Bangalore Don Raja
      November 12, 2013 at 22:58

      You have to be around Vik to believe the way he still bitches them all out. That fellow has got to be the most insecure and jealous person I have come across. A few of us thought he had changed when Dying Embrace made their comeback, that he was starting on a fresh note and would remain on cordial terms with the others, but they say a person’s true nature doesn’t stay hidden for very long. Guess what? Vikram Bhat is not only up to his old tricks again but is even more insecure and jealous, a fact which anyone can see by the way he struggles for power in a scene in which his band is not all that relevant. How else do you expect a man green with jealousy to behave?


  28. 143 Bangalore Broom Syndicate
    November 13, 2013 at 00:03

    Saw Shepherd at Evilution II and have to say that it was a shadow of the band that blew my mind at TSF earlier this year. I honestly thought they destroyed Abigail that night. And what adds credibility to all these allegations about the BDS is that Sonic Doom was organized by Mahesh. That was a fun show and ironically, his first as an organizer and his last with the band. I remember him speaking to me about doing a documentary covering the history of the Bangalore metal scene and he did interview some Bangalore bands. I wonder if that instigated the lard tub who didn’t want his skeleton filled closet of nothingness thrown open for the world to see. It’s sad cause I personally know the dudes in that band and would have expected them to back their bandmate. All said and done, I think Shepherd shot itself in the foot by picking ‘uncle’ instead of their singer, who I thought owned ‘uncle’ on stage. I hope they can find a way to salvage, what in my mind was the best Indian band I’ve ever seen.


    • 144 Sandeep Das
      November 13, 2013 at 02:10

      Get some sleep, macha. You mean Blood Division. Yes, Shepherd owned that night. Dying Embrace was boring.

      On a lighter note, see the Facebook comments Vikram Bhat ‘likes’ these days. Anything that’s about this post/blog and not against him makes him feel relieved. The guy just can’t stop making a fool of himself, even after being shamed here in front of god knows how many people. I supposed putting on a brave front is the best he can do in these times, but his game is definitely up.


  29. November 13, 2013 at 05:02

    Faaak u n ur idealogies! Listaaaaan to dork de-sule-nation. All the tamil baays got annoyed becaause they sukked and formed an alliannce! but fack you, and yaur idelogeees! Listan to daaaaaaarkdesolaaaaation and other KC bands!!


  30. November 13, 2013 at 05:06

    Kunaaal Chowski is gonnnna sign another 600bands and s gonna promote all of them! you know! so yeah, be ready for a chain of ‘I promoted this band’ ‘I signed this many bands’ ‘FREE OF COST’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid for the delivery from my pocket’ ‘300 bands signed to Trancending obscurity’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I am managing 450 bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I promoted this band’ ‘I signed this many bands’ ‘FREE OF COST’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid for the delivery from my pocket’ ‘300 bands signed to Trancending obscurity’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I amd managing 450 bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I promoted this band’ ‘I signed this many bands’ ‘FREE OF COST’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid for the delivery from my pocket’ ‘300 bands signed to Trancending obscurity’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I amd managing 450 bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I promoted this band’ ‘I signed this many bands’ ‘FREE OF COST’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid for the delivery from my pocket’ ‘300 bands signed to Trancending obscurity’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I amd managing 450 bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I promoted this band’ ‘I signed this many bands’ ‘FREE OF COST’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid for the delivery from my pocket’ ‘300 bands signed to Trancending obscurity’ ‘I promoted so many bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’ ‘I amd managing 450 bands’ ‘I paid from my pocket’


  31. November 13, 2013 at 05:09

    Simon is gonna be one awesome organiser, metal today, rock tomorrow and disko day after! *I wannna be a disko dancer*


    • 160 still not listening
      November 13, 2013 at 05:16

      ^ Look here…some butt-aching member of BDS is throwing a tantrum. Wheres that fuckin Applause button?


      • November 13, 2013 at 05:17

        It’s right under your ass!

        No, I’m not part of the BDS or the KunalKyaSimon alliance! I just wanted to say, Fuck off to all of you!


        • November 13, 2013 at 05:30

          @KC, dude.. I dont know you, but you should maybe start boasting less about yourself man, I find your posts quite annoying! I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU’VE DONE A FUCKING LOT, BUT I’VE HEARD IT A THOUSAND TIMES!

          @BDS, maybe less bitching about others and giving the new guys a chance? ASK THEM TO FUCK OFF, THATS OKAY BUT DONT DO FUCKING POLITICS AND GANG UP AND BASH A KID!

          @SIMON, dude.. you’re the new kid on the block, STOP MAKING LOTS OF NOIZE! PLATFORMS like these are for choots like mehta and co. I felt your gigs were QUANTITY, and not QUALITY! Maybe you should try and put some shows with a worthy line-up. FUCK that ‘everyone should get a chance’ If a band kicks ass they get to play, If they suck ask them to FUCK OFF!



          • 163 Rohit
            November 14, 2013 at 07:09

            The fact that you have to bellow this statement to me with ALL CAPS is a good enough sign that my opinions and statements bother you. Worth nothing, eh? Jerk off to some pussy? I hate to break it to you, but once you have access to pussy, you don’t really have to jerk off, so you might have to rethink your bedroom moves (this is assuming that you do get pussy, but it is highly unlikely).


    • 164 PSY-MON
      November 13, 2013 at 21:36

      I’ll fuckin do what I want, when I want and how I want. BTW, I know another person who referred to people as tamil boys. Fuck you for your bullshit. And I see you sucking up to the rest of the Undergrind. LOL. Either fucking get off your arse and learn to play an instrument or work your fucking arse save up and do some shows, yo. Don’t go bitchin bout the people who give you opportunity to speak. If it werent for the scene you are null and void. So, fuck off.


  32. November 13, 2013 at 05:11

    Choit Rhaoji, desperate attention grabbing cunt!! Politics has always been bigger than music for you, right? Poser! Go get attend some gigs and get a life!


    • 171 Rohit
      November 14, 2013 at 07:06

      Wow, I can’t believe I’m still following this post. But then again, it’s solely for posts such as yours.

      Actually, yes. Nothing is more fun than making anonymous posters online get mad at me for my opinions. Attend gigs? Most of them are a worthless waste of time. Why should I spend my time and money on locals bands that play music vastly inferior to those of international caliber? Well, I do attend some gigs, but only if there are bands that I like playing. Also, you cannot “attend some gigs” and “get a life” at the same time. You need to have a lot of free time on your hands to do the former, especially when most gigs have lame bands on the bill.


  33. November 13, 2013 at 05:15

    I want Ganesh to answer this! Were you actually involved in throwing Mahesh out of Shepherd? The dude used a vocal processor if I’m not wrong, so he can fuck off! but were you involved in throwing mahesh out?


  34. November 13, 2013 at 05:31

    @KC, dude.. I dont know you, but you should maybe start boasting less about yourself man, I find your posts quite annoying! I FUCKING KNOW THAT YOU’VE DONE A FUCKING LOT, BUT I’VE HEARD IT A THOUSAND TIMES!

    @BDS, maybe less bitching about others and giving the new guys a chance? ASK THEM TO FUCK OFF, THATS OKAY BUT DONT DO FUCKING POLITICS AND GANG UP AND BASH A KID!

    @SIMON, dude.. you’re the new kid on the block, STOP MAKING LOTS OF NOIZE! PLATFORMS like these are for choots like mehta and co. I felt your gigs were QUANTITY, and not QUALITY! Maybe you should try and put some shows with a worthy line-up. FUCK that ‘everyone should get a chance’ If a band kicks ass they get to play, If they suck ask them to FUCK OFF!



    • 176 Kunal Choksi
      November 13, 2013 at 05:58

      The reason I make it clear that I’m doing it for “free” is because I’ve got guys telling my friends that Kunal is a “sweet businessman” and he’s doing it for money. I don’t understand, what business is it when there’s no money involved. I haven’t wronged anyone but to constantly deal with such allegations is rather ungrateful. Furthermore, the same guys are going around telling people “Don’t buy from Kunal. He’s not true because he’s reviewing Indian bands.” You don’t have the idea. I have written proof. I can name every single person involved, the emails, texts, everything. I don’t lie. Besides, I don’t want to pull anyone down – I wish there was unity in the scene as much as you do. But I can’t help it if people constantly find faults with everything I’m doing.

      Fyi, I was the first guy who interviewed Dying Embrace during the band’s comeback show. Here’s the review that I made it happen for my friends in Bangalore in 2011 –


      But what happened after, everyone knows. And yes, I’ll go on record saying that it’s true about Albatross, Djinn and Miskatonic and Grossty. And it’s not even the full story.


      • November 13, 2013 at 06:22

        Alrighty, lets keep this aside, Kunal! I have respect for you trying to help out others, but here’s what I think personally. People are gonna pull you down no matter what you do! I just got annoyed because of your constant posts about this and that and have unsubscribed to you posts from facebook! You’re posts about how you promoted a band for free of cost kind of makes things annoying and a member of a band in Transcending Obscurity was telling me how inferior they felt when you put up posts something like,’shipping from my own pocket money’. I mean, i get it! You are trying to help the band, but then, promoting a band and then boasting about it forever and forever is so not nice! Nevertheless, I think everyone is trying to do their part to make the scene better and so many of them do it without even taking any credits, again, fuck that! I’m not getting into it! Anyways, FUCK ALL THAT! FUCK THE POLITICS, I DONT FUCKING GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT ANYTHING! IF YOU ORGANISE A GIG THAT INTERESTS ME, I WILL BE THERE, IF BDS ORGANISES A GIG THATS GOT A KILLER LINE-UP, I’LL BE THERE, same goes with simon and others! STOP BITCHING ON STUPID SITES, SORT OUT DIFFERENCES OR FUCK OFF AND DO YOUR OWN SHIT! IT’S THE MUSIC THAT MATTERS THE END OF THE DAY! WHY IS IT SO FUCKING DIFFICULT FOR PEOPLE TO GET IT?


        • 178 Kunal Choksi
          November 13, 2013 at 08:33

          My constant posts? Please bring to my notice any such updates made from my Facebook profile. I don’t go around saying stuff like this from my profile or the Transcending Obscurity page.

          Yes, the bands I’m doing this for were feeling bad and insisted that I take a cut. It’s my choice to refuse.

          I don’t count the favours I’ve done nor do I go around boasting “I did this and I did that.” I prefer to forget but what I don’t like is the ill-meaning words that are thrown against me and thwarting me from growing – for the bands sake. All I want is equal and fair opportunities but that’s too much to ask for. Any such posts were mostly to justify my actions, which is again something I’d rather not do. Let me do my own thing in peace and you won’t hear me talking.


  35. November 13, 2013 at 09:03

    Cheers, bro! I just told you that! But yeah! I will attend your gigs and buy albums from you that I like irrespective of all the bullshit thats happening around! \m/ Its all that matters end of the day!


  36. November 13, 2013 at 11:43

    Okay then, we all should get the fuck out of this site and let mehta jerk off to himself!

    Mehta, kya lagta? gaand dabake aapki lund ko dabao!
    *Pls, my hindi sucks just like this site!


    • 191 Nikhil
      November 13, 2013 at 13:40

      Hahahahahh, bhosdike! maa chuda na lavde. You actually come here to view the blog post, check the entire comments section, comment utter fucking nonsense about everyone and when you run out of ideas, take a dig at Mehta. Are you uncle’s son?


  37. 193 Toroid
    November 13, 2013 at 13:58

    Uncle goes on to tell Albatross that they’l be allowed to play at BDS shows in the future and that he was just kidding when he first said, “you won’t be allowed to play any shows because you guys are now signed to TOI”
    Fucking turd, changing paths now.


  38. 195 PP
    November 13, 2013 at 19:29

    Lets not forget the infamous email that got CCed to everyone’s inbox back in the day by King Uncle. Sahil sir was the target.


    I never like to beat around the bush nor do i like to mince my words regarding anything as you know very well over the years so i will come straight to the point,or i should say points…

    i) Your bang on about me not liking your “music”,you scored a brownie point there already!

    ii) Whatever you have churned over the years and what little i have heard of it the only thing worthwhile and which looked like you were having a little fun while doing was “Mallika Sherwats Do Badey Babley”,i even emailed you and told you to stop churning the other shit out and just do the Workshop thing,remember?

    iii) I always feel your a better businessman than a musician (some dont even agree your a musician,but thats another story) and you should seriously stick to making money than trying to make music.Your the next Gulshan Kumar in the making!

    iv) Your a man of promotion,everything you do, you promote to the world,the flag bearer of the Metal scene in India,thats very nice,why dont you publish limited edition postcards and giant posters of the pictures of you in dabbed in talcum powder for corpse paint wearing a Nirvana t-shirt and glaring in pure “evil” at the “hotshot” camera if i am not mistaken, bet there will be buyers for that as well and people abroad will also know your “true” roots of extremity.

    v) How can you expect any people like us who have seen pictures of you in such kvlt get up to take you or your music seriously?

    vi) Am glad your famous and popular,hold your own cover song contests and cook dinners for lucky winners,your from the land of Bollywood so melodrama has to be expected and getting high on your own shit is natural,we wont be surprised if you make Hindi movie songs and soundtracks in the future in the name of earning bread because your a struggling musician and you love Metal and to support your love you have to churn out shitty Hindi filmy gaana-bajaana songs for a living.In the near future..Karan Johars latest blockbuster “Gaand Masti” featuring the hit song “Aa Meri Gaand Maar” by the new music sensation duo- “Sahil-Sahelii”!

    vii) How can you expect any of us to take you seriously when you have a name like “Demonstealer”! allright we understand you took on the name when your a kid,were innocent and didnt know what your balls were actually down there for, but over the years you could have gone back to “Sahil” as if people would have loved you more or hated you any less!are 12 year olds your target audience? bet they will still be impressed with names like those!

    viii) I will still talk to you courteously whenever i meet you next,offer you a beer even like the last time (remember we bumped into each other at Goa? but you were too busy looking for your own kind to mix with,which suited me fine! ) because for me Metal is about friendship,having a good time,not worrying about popularity charts,trying to score one up over the other band or trying to see how to fuck the competition and attain maximum popularity.

    ix) Holding cover song contests,winning any award or prize means nothing when it comes especially to Metal!I just saw your having a” cook you a meal contest” now, In todays times when a young teenager who has his hormones outta control and raging,instead of offering him a good fuck from a whore from Kamatipura your offering him a meal with some bum from a band( who will be looking up and preparing to step into your shoes of all people) if he buys a CD from you!what will it be? a Demonic Vada Pav which will give the poor unlucky sod an Unrelenting Surge Of Flatulence the next morning?

    x)Am sure Mid day or The Times is already knocking at your door or buzzing your telephone to have you on their page 3 circuit so i’ll sign off now for you to put on your demonic makeup and prepare in front of the mirror to throw kisses in the air!

    cheers and beers!


    • November 13, 2013 at 20:06

      HOLY SHIT. Vikram actually wrote an email with these 10 points to Sahil and CC’d it to others? Fuck, I can’t wait for Devdutt Nawalkar and Nikhil Jaisinghani to see this. Shit is gonna fly.

      I wonder if Vik and the rest of Dying Embrace and Bangalore Doom Syndicate realize how many of these points could be flung back in their faces now.

      Man, PP, thanks for sharing this.


      • 197 kvrdz
        November 13, 2013 at 20:17

        Hey, what’s your beef with Vikram and the other lads?you even played at their fest,what was their treatment of you like?


        • November 13, 2013 at 20:31

          Oh, we were treated with great respect. Sandesh and Vikram were very nice to us. I have no problem with Sandesh at all – he has always been friendly, cheery and helpful. I have nothing against the rest of Dying Embrace, and in fact, I think they’re all very nice, warm people. I don’t know who else is part of Bangalore Doom Syndicate and I’m glad I don’t.

          See, the thing is, I don’t take kindly to people who try to bully me around. Not on Facebook, not offline, not anywhere. I’m not a random choot who’ll take shit from someone who wants to be everybody’s big brother. I don’t care if you’re drunk because you’ve spent a week in a drunken stupor, but you can’t try to intimidate me.

          If anyone puts on his holier-than-thou act online in front of a truckload of people to make me look stupid, no way am I going to take it lying down. So I fucking gave it back there and then, and this person realized he’d picked on the wrong guy, because not only do I not take shit, but I throw it back by the bucketful. I’m the vindictive fellow who never forgets or forgives.

          You can’t slap a man and tell him he can slap you back only once. If you slap a man, he can punch you and kick the living shit out of you. It’s the same with me. Somebody tries pushing me around, I’ll fucking clobber them. How long they’ve been farting around in the “metal capital” doesn’t mean anything to me; I’m the frontman of Exhumation and Solar Deity – I’ll fucking fuck you off to a place you don’t know exists.

          This is what Bolt Thrower has taught me: In battle there is no law.

          Let this be a lesson to everyone. You can criticize me, my band, my blog, anything you want, and I’ll take it; it’s fine, I can deal with it. If anyone fucks with me for no reason and without any fault of mine, I will give them hell for it.


          • 199 kvrdz
            November 13, 2013 at 21:41

            The few times that i’ve met vik in person , he’s been super nice,but i suppose something really nasty must’ve gone down between the two of you,i’ll admit i’m very curious,you’ve often been outspoken in your criticism of bands,rather popular ones at that, but this is quite really something else,i’m sure most people here are really aching to know the specifics of the event(s) that prompted you to do this.


          • 200 beibersea
            November 14, 2013 at 11:02

            I really want to do you in the butt (not to be confused with the Bandra metal band) right now. In a gay way, but I’ll growl my moans, so it’ll be ok.


      • 203 Kerfluffle
        December 2, 2013 at 10:14

        Sahil should have kept the fat bastard at arm’s distance instead of trying to become friends. He does keep a lot of others at arm’s distance, right? Sahil is a very easy target for the fat bastard…who the fuck uses auto-tune vocals in so-called “black metal”?


    • 204 Nikhil
      November 14, 2013 at 00:48

      Fuck! OH man! This is terrible,


    • 205 Anonymous
      November 14, 2013 at 08:57

      Holy shitbricks!!!


  39. 206 Bangalore Broom Syndicate
    November 13, 2013 at 22:50

    Whoa! This email is getting shared right fucking now.


  40. 207 Vikramkimaaka
    November 13, 2013 at 23:08

    Bhosdi ne samaj rakha hain ki woh angrez hain. “Poor sod”? Bhenchod bahar to nikal teri maa ka.


  41. 208 Grammar Modi
    November 14, 2013 at 03:29



  42. 209 headbangalore
    November 14, 2013 at 04:07

    I don’t fuckin believe what I just read! There is no justification for such a mail. Like someone else said: what goes around comes around, karma has come to bite uncle’s bum. Skeletons tumbling out of uncle’s closet, dirty laundry being washed in public…it was bound to happen sooner or later. Did uncle think he could get away forever with the bullying? Ive known Mehta for years, and one thing I always knew was that no one fucks with Mehta and gets away. Sandesh is a nice enough chap. Simon’s a cool guy too. So what if he loves metal and trance or whatever? Wheres the rule book uncle? You think you’re a self-appointed vigilante designated to clean up the metal scene? Clean up your own backyard first…there’s some real stinky shit in there. Do you even have a conscience uncle? Take a long hard look at yourself. Im sure youll be there at the next gig with a big shit-eating grin on your face acting like nothing happened. With freedom comes great responsibility…and at your age, you still haven’t understood either freedom or responsibility. You try to curtail other’s freedom to play music. As an elder statesman of metal, you should behave with more dignity. You are a typical rich kid who has never really worked hard for anything in life. And you mess with guys who have more talent in their pinky then you have in your entire body. You are delusional and need help.


  43. 210 Tiyasha
    November 14, 2013 at 07:29

    Hey Mehta, What was it that uncle did that has pissed you off so much? Seems like the metal underground is actually a bunch of emo kids,


    • November 14, 2013 at 08:26

      Why don’t you try getting the Delhi scene back on its feet? Oh, and about uncle – I’ll tell you soon.


      • 212 Tiyasha
        November 14, 2013 at 17:59

        Oh, that was’t meant to be a jab at you man. I was talking about the insecurities some people in the bangalore underground have. Just wanted to ask what’s the beef between Uncle and you. As for the Delhi scene, I don’t see one decent band there.


        • November 15, 2013 at 04:17

          And I wasn’t hitting back 🙂 – it was a genuine question – somebody ought to do something for Delhi, in Delhi. We’d love to play a gig there once or twice a year.

          Now let me tell you what Uncle did. He was dicking around with me on Facebook the way he does with newer/smaller bands, only the fat prick forgot that I’m not a newcomer. So I started tossing shit back at him and he continued making an ass of himself in front of all those people on FB and eventually realized he wasn’t making any sense. Then, he tried to excuse himself from the conversation but I couldn’t let him go.

          An opportunity to openly bash a pompous cunt like that doesn’t present itself everyday, so I decided to make the most of it.

          A day or two later, he called to “clear things up”, and asked why I’d dragged his band into the quarrel. (Dying Embrace are supposed to be the “doom metal elite”, so I let him know that they are lite doom metal, not elite doom metal.)

          I found that strangely funny; it’s like saying I called you behenchod, so you can call me that, but you can’t call me a madarchod because I didn’t go that far. He’d unnecessarily commented on a blog link I’d shared, saying the post/blog was full of masala (Everest Masala is one of the superbrands we distribute, and fatboy slim couldn’t resist throwing that jibe my way.)

          The post wasn’t related to him in any way, nobody had asked for his priceless opinion on it or anything else, and what’s even more incredibly stupid is that when Phebe (vocalist of Chennai’s death metal monsters Blasphemy) shared the post, Vikram felt the need to pass some unnecessary comment even on that.

          In our phone conversation, Vikram explained he didn’t remember most of what had transpired as he’d been drunk for most of the week. (And this motherfucker had the shit in his ass to make snide remarks to one of my friends about his drinking pattern. It’s amazing how much advice the overweight bastard always has ready to dish out, when he’s the one with the real problem.)

          Later, believe it or not, he posted a status update telling everybody that nothing was wrong between me and him, and from what I was told by a trusted source, he made it sound like I had apologized to him.

          I realized then that I’d been wrong about him all along. When Sandesh first introduced me to Vikram on Facebook, I was in awe of the guy. I’d first seen him and Jim perform as Conflicting Theories at Strawberry Fields, NLS Bangalore when I was in Demonic Resurrection and we participated in the competition in 2000. Then, when Exhumation had started off and was going strong, I was crazy about goregrind and Gruesome Malady were gods to me. I was going insane wondering how such a mind-blowing band could be in a city just a few hours away from where I was.

          This interview wasn’t published to hit back at Vik; I did it out of respect for Simon, who is trying to do all by himself what the biggies of Bangalore are doing with half a dozen people putting in 15-20 thousand bucks each. Simon puts in 50-60 thousand rupees in his shows, suffers losses and then organizes more shows. And what does he get from it? Pointless criticism from these guys? I didn’t want to say all this, but then this email Vikram sent to Sahil got posted here. What kind of person feels clever or cool sending out emails like these for no reason and CC’ing them to others? I don’t think Sahil had asked Vikram to impart any of his wisdom, but that’s Vikram Bhatt. It’s a real shame, because Sandesh Shenoy is one of the coolest people I’ve met, the rest of the TSF crew is amazing and so are the others in Dying Embrace. Everything is so wrong because of Vikram.

          It was better when I didn’t know him – I would’ve still been his fan. Not only have I lost all respect for Vik, but I actually dislike him for the person he is.


          • 214 Tiyasha
            November 15, 2013 at 06:16

            True man. Sending that e-mail was a dowright cheap. If you don’t like what some one is doing and it doesn’t affect you, you just don’t pay attention to it. Sending in a stinker like that just to rub someone off the wrong way warrants geting a kick in the nuts. And CC’ing it? Pathetic!! I liked Dying Embrace, despite the fact that they’ve had more or less the same setlist for the last couple of years; but now I don’t think I can watch Vik without a bad taste in my mouth. Sad, DE is a nice band with an amazing guitarist, it’s a shame they’re fronted my an insecure dick.


          • 216 viks vaporub
            November 15, 2013 at 12:29

            Mehta, this fat fuck has been bullying others for years. Luckily for him, hes surrounded by a largely peaceful bunch of people who try not give a fuck and ignore his bullshit. His downfall is fucking with you and Simon. For sure there are many people who would love to throw a blanket over uncle in a dark alley and pummel the bullshit out of him (remember to bring a large blanket). The internet has made it easier for uncle to bully people all over the country. Before that, he was sending out lame handwritten letters defaming other local bands. If my memory serves me right, he opened his innings in 1997 or 98 by dissing myndsnare, kryptos and threnody at every chance he got. Then he found out from the guitarist of chennai death metal band blasphemy that myndsnare, kryptos and threnody were having a lot of fun making a joke out of him. Uncle got full buttfucked and turned up the bullying a few notches. It is obvious uncle is into his own brand of fairplay. I can slap you, but you can’t slap me. If you slap me, I will go and cry on the shoulder of any idiot who will listen and massage my ego. Kaise ajeeb chutiya hai!


            • 217 Extreme Conditions
              August 3, 2014 at 03:17

              Nolan is some kind of stupid. Always sucking up to people who have good cd collection. Despite getting dissed so severely, he shows no self-respect and continues sucking up to uncle. It is because of this shameless behaviour that Uncle has a free pass, and continues to fuck around. Members of other bands who have been targeted by uncle have enough sense and self-respect to stay the fuck away from a talentless rich prick with no conscience. You don’t see current or former members of myndsnare or threinody wanting much to do with uncle. Fat prick offered to teach Yasmin a thing or 2 about drumming a few years back. Boy, thats some funny shit! He is irrelevant and void in the scene with his garbled shit spew vocals and Sabbath/Autopsy rip off. Even bands like DD and Grossty stay the fuck away. Wish Charlie would do the same. Manas and Devdutt are 2 of the more well-read, aware and smarter guys out there, and they have basically erased “Dying Embrace” from their vocabularies. So, if more of you ass-lickers grew a pair and boycotted uncle, he wouldn’t have anyone to play his shitty games on. But wait, you bootlickers like how uncle pings you for a chat and writes on your wall, and likes your photos and other garbage? And he also tells you things that he thinks you want to hear, right? About people you don’t like and stuff? Fat bastard is single-handedly responsible for defaming some good bands and people. But not to worry, all those bands will go far, while uncle will be sitting in mahatobar sucking his thumb.


          • 218 kvrdz
            November 15, 2013 at 18:37

            When exactly did Vikram start needing you? he’s on my friends list like many others here,I’m sure, and i don’t seem to recollect any updates from Uncle about the said matter.Was this much after TSF II?
            Couldn’t you have simply let this one slide? I find it hard to believe that Uncle would make gratuitous attacks of this nature,as far as i can remember,you’ve never said a single uncharitable word against DE.
            Wasn’t Uncle also good friends with Devdutt as well?


    • 221 Decapitation
      August 3, 2014 at 03:28

      You arrogant prick….sitting in Delhi and passing judgement? Fuck all you know about what we’ve had to face from this fat bastard. If you knew what we’ve had to deal with so this fat cunt can spread his underground crime empire of doom and shit, you wouldn’t disrespect us by calling us all emo kids. We are not fucking fools who are jealous of uncle. We have been pushed around and disrespected for long enough by this idly-vada vendor, and some of us refuse to take it anymore. Got that?


  44. 222 Nergal
    November 14, 2013 at 10:22

    ‘Okay Listen!’ is Vikram Bhat.


  45. 223 Imafuckyourbuttcrackrohitchaoji
    November 14, 2013 at 10:36

    @Rohit Chaoji So who the fuck are you to shit about the wrong people. Abe jhaat ke baal, chutiye tuhne kya kiya hai be. Tere band ko show nahi milta kyun ki tuh hai chutiya, You have the balls to talk shit about Sandesh? who is working hard to get international acts to the country, runs a label and promotes quality metal. Fuck you you land ke baal, I am from Thane and i will fucking club you to death you little cunt.


    • 224 cheapentertainment
      November 14, 2013 at 11:02

      Look at all these saints pin-pointing fingers at others. Congrats Mehta, you must join Aaj Tak or some news channel and create some fresh controversy involving a couple making out in a cyber cafe. Why ? Because that’s what you’re worth for.


    • 229 Rohit
      November 14, 2013 at 12:03

      Sure. I’m coming to Thane soon. Why don’t you disclose your name so that I can let you know when exactly I’m coming there and where? Oh right, you’re just tough on the internet and are too much of a pussy to actually disclose your name or “club me to death”. That really made me lol.

      Anyway, I don’t have a band, and even if I did, I would prefer to not play in front of a bunch of ignoramuses in the first place. Okay, well, I was a little harsh on Sandesh, since he does have a good taste and promote quality metal and is working hard, but he’s also insufferable and has a shitty attitude towards a lot of people.

      Anyway, see you in Thane (if you have the balls, that is).


    • 241 Ave Glow
      August 2, 2014 at 11:04

      Imafuckyourbuttcrackrohitchaoji is Sandesh. So cute you are fatso!


  46. 242 undergod
    November 14, 2013 at 11:00

    fuck you god and other scum of the earth (ninad and toroid).

    looks like someone’s paid you enuf dough to eat your own shit. nobody in the calcutta would give a shit about what someone said in the bangalore, especially over a couple of gigs a year.

    i’ve hung out with the dudes in shepherd a couple of times to know that none of them really care about the scene war bullshit. those guys are total fuckin pros and really don’t care about anything else apart from getting the job done.

    if you go by the posts on facebook, mahesh took it out on deepak and crossed the line. i mean distrust and shit is a good reason to not be part of a band. i dont get first of all that y was there a need for mahesh to even organize a gig, as if siniging in a band is not good enuf or if the band is not gigging as much as the others. im sure if he didnt get involved in that shit, everything wud ve been fine, and we wud have an album to look forward to.

    also one good gig doesnt mean shepherd is the best band in town. they dont even have an album you wankerz. ive seen those guys before and what makes them stand out is the kind of music they play. like bsea, they are doing something different, and add to it with impromptu jams and all that nonsense. they definitely are a good live act, primarily because of the music. i dont how vocals in that genere really matter. its minimal as it is anyways. and they re not the same level as and will never be close to soundgarden anyways.

    evilution2 was different, laidback as fuck. i mean mahesh sure has hell bought that hcpunk energy to stage, but to be a real judge of how the band sounds without him youll have to wait till the album comes out, or when they’re thru with the vocal parts. till then stuff yourself and your fucking opinion in a bodybag.

    they ve played gigs with simon and vik, and hopefully they’ll continue to do the same. im sure as hell theyll flip their fingers to both the fatsos if needed.


  47. 244 Bangasoreplumesyndicate
    November 14, 2013 at 12:51

    Arrey dekho! Undergod is Namit Chauhan. Agaya chashmewala madarchod.


  48. 247 DxMx
    November 15, 2013 at 04:14

    ^^^Look at that! Fatboy has a hard on, But he can’t see it cause his woeful gut runneth over.


  49. 248 HepX
    November 15, 2013 at 06:28

    So much drama


  50. 249 Hippity Hop
    November 15, 2013 at 08:17

    The fat fuck uncle also had beef with Rudra, you might ask why? All because their vocalist suggested a few changes about their production. That’s it, that one line has resulted in lifelong bitching about Rudra.


    • 250 music malady
      November 15, 2013 at 10:38

      Has any musician here had a discussion about music with uncle. I mean, the real stuff which good metal players talk about? The shit that spews from his mouth will tell you one thing: uncle has no musical sense. He’s the only band member with zero musical sense in the local scene. He wont know the difference between a G chord and a G-string. He sings in a band without knowing the basics of pitch, timing or anything. He proably cant tap his foot in time to a simple 4/4. The drumming he has done in side-projects is absolute shit. Ask any real death or grind drummer, they’ll be laughing if they hear that crap. Not like the vocals are any better. Yet he will pass his expert judgement on others. And if anyone dares to advice him, he takes it personally and rips them apart. Such a child. Uncle please dont disgrace musicians by calling yourself one.


    • 251 Tamil Sangam
      December 2, 2013 at 09:35

      Isn’t it strange how the whole of BDS cannot stand Rudra’s music, but happily support Dhwesha, who in many ways are cut from the same cloth as Rudra? Grow up, BDS! Grow a pair and some brain cells too.


    • 256 Rudra > DE
      July 26, 2014 at 05:38

      Kathir did ask a few of us who this prick Vikram was. We told him he’s a fat talentless alcoholic rich clown, and he should not pay heed to the shit spew. Rudra has released 6-7 killer albums and are way better than DE.


  51. 257 Snake Eyes
    November 15, 2013 at 13:04

    Uncle thoda dikhta bhi hijde ki tarah hai…uska photo dekha hai? always hiding his goolies…baaylya saala…hey vikram asshole go tell Jimmy to make some new music and kick your sorry fatass out of HIS band…useless fucker can’t growl, can’t move around, the fuck you good for bitch?!?!


    • 259 motherfucker
      November 16, 2013 at 18:20

      what’s the big deal. grow a pair. oh wait, you left them behind in your moms on your way out. no wonder they called her a man for a while.


  52. 260 Rahul Gandhi
    November 16, 2013 at 18:29

    Pls vote for Congress Jai Hind


  53. 261 sonia
    November 16, 2013 at 18:30

    n we shall restore u with balls


  54. 262 Vinod Kambli
    November 16, 2013 at 18:31

    I thought this post was about Sachin. Bye


  55. 263 SilentListener
    November 17, 2013 at 05:28

    Wow, just wow. Had no clue about any of this.
    *gets back to work*


  56. 264 shdhsgdhsgd
    November 20, 2013 at 07:39

    This Blog Sucks


  57. November 21, 2013 at 03:06

    Since my band and I have been mentioned a few times here, I would like to contribute my own response to this whole scene kerfluffle.

    I don’t care about cliques and in-groups. I don’t enjoy bitching sessions and putting down anyone who tries something new. I love metal music, hate metal culture. When it comes to my own band, I’ve distanced myself from factions because factions never did anything for us. Simon gave us gigs and good slots. Nitin and Riju gave us our first Mumbai gig. Sandesh gave us a good launchpad at TSF 2, but we are not opening band material anymore. Kunal saved us a lot of time and money by releasing and distributing our album. He’s done some great trades that are getting us distribution in relevant markets and he’s sent our promos out to reviewers around the world. I am grateful to each of these people in direct proportion to what they’ve done for us. Gratitude is not allegiance.

    Djinn And Miskatonic is out to get itself more listeners and more gigs and not to be a part of anyone’s power struggle or scene war. When the dust settles, we’ll still be there, cranking out the doom for anyone who wants to listen.


    • 269 Ullas Refreshments
      November 27, 2013 at 16:57

      since my poori and i have been mentioned a few times here, i would like to heap my own response on this scene idli-vada

      i dont care about “gorified” or any of charlie’s bands, i just enjoy bitching about everybody who tries something new and its such a thrill to put them down.

      i hate metal, love metal culture. when it comes to my own band “dying embrace” — the only true “death-doom” band” there is, of course im all praise for them

      raju dasgupta is everyone’s friend…….. he will become your friend too,,, if u can promote him or his band “albatross” in any way,,,,,, he will wish u “happy birthday” and he will write on your facebook timeline so that u can feel important

      n u can feel important as long as “biprorshee das” feels important…….. the difference between raju and bipro is the surnames……………. riju is dasgupta and biprorshee is married….. i mean to say he is das, not dasgupta, as in dasgupta without the gupta,,, only das

      but riju will order dying embrace’s shitty split even tho he hates the band,,, and bipro will leave comment on vik’s updates because “vik” said nothing to riju and vignesh “viggy”


      dont stop moving baby something moving drives me crazy……… viggy viggy, viggy viggy


  58. 274 Thank you
    July 26, 2014 at 05:30

    Panzer division under Generals Mehta and Santiago: thank you for blowing BDS’ genitalia to smithereens. You men have done honourable service to the Bangalore Metal Scene. Not much BDS bullshit on display now, Komrades. Dismissed.


  59. 275 Crudo Cruox pimped his mom
    December 24, 2015 at 05:27

    That fucking cunt Ravi Balakrishnan is another BDS ass licker who needs to be slaughtered. Crudo Cruox, it seems. Pseudo intellectual motherfucker thinks he’s damn funny with his shit brand of St. Xavier’s humour (or whichever shithole this entitled overopinionated motherfucker crawled out of). I so wish beating the shit out of people for being utter cunts was an acceptable practice. Ravi and his beloved Uncle would top that list. It must suck to be a cynical, overopinionated piece of shit like Ravi the cunt. Hope you get thrown in a pile of human shit….you’ll be the icing on the cake. Fucking entitled cunt…when you die, we’ll throw a party and invite your family. Shove your pseudo intellect up your arse and ask your pal JP and those other depressed assholes in Djinn and Fucksatonic to do the same.


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